EXPath 2.0
Comparative expression analysis inferring metabolic pathways for plants
Please specify the conditions of interest: (Select at least one condition)
Abiotic Stress
2-week-old, leaves, cold, 4°C, 24h
2-week-old, leaves, cold, 4°C, 1d
9-day-old, whole plant, cold, 10°C, 1h
9-day-old, whole plant, cold, 10°C, 24h
2-week-old, leaves, salt, 150 mM NaCl, 10h
5-day-old, seedling, salt, 100 mM NaCl, 12d
11-day-old, plant, salt, 200 mM NaCl, 4h
4-week-old, leaves, reoxygenation, from submergence to air, 3h
7-day-old, leaves, drought, with holding water, 10d
flower stages 1-9, leaves, heat, 37°C, 3h
flower stages 1-9, bud, heat, 37°C, 3h
flower stages 10-12, bud, heat, 37°C, 3h
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 22°C, ZT -4
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 22°C, ZT0
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 22°C, ZT1
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 22°C, ZT2
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 22°C, ZT4
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 22°C, ZT8
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 22°C, ZT12
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 22°C, ZT16
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 17°C, ZT -4
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 17°C, ZT0
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 17°C, ZT1
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 17°C, ZT2
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 17°C, ZT4
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 17°C, ZT8
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 17°C, ZT12
7-day-old, seedling, heat, 27°C compare to 17°C, ZT16
10-day-old, root, heat, 26°C compare to 21°C, whole life
6-day-old, seedling, heat, 23°C to 27°C, 2h
23-day-old, leaves, heat, 28/23°C (day/night), 7d
30-day-old, leaves, heat, 38°C, 6h
10-day-old, seedling, heat, 17°C to 27°C, 15m
10-day-old, seedling, heat, 17°C to 27°C, 1h
10-day-old, seedling, heat, 17°C to 27°C, 4h
10-day-old, seedling, heat, 17°C to 37°C, 15m
10-day-old, seedling, heat, 17°C to 37°C, 1h
10-day-old, seedling, heat, 17°C to 37°C, 4h
10-day-old, seedling, heat, 22°C to 27°C, 15m
10-day-old, seedling, heat, 22°C to 27°C, 1h
10-day-old, seedling, heat, 22°C to 27°C, 4h
5-week-old, leaves, heat, 37°C, 30m
vegetative stage, root, Aluminum, 98 mmol/L nano-Al2O3, 10d
vegetative stage, root, Aluminum, 98 mmol/L Al3+, 10d
9-day-old, leaves, detachment, cultured on medium without sucrose, 1d
12-day-old, leaves, detachment, cultured on medium without sucrose, 1d
15-day-old, leaves, detachment, cultured on medium without sucrose, 1d
Low Water Potential
7-day-old, seedling, low water potential, -0.7MPa, 4d
6-day-old, root, antibiotics, 10 µg/mL, whole life
6-day-old, root, antibiotics, 10 µg/mL, 1d
9-day-old, seedling, osmotic, 300 mM mannitol, 1d
21-day-old, shoot, light, 1000 µmol m-2s-1, 20s
21-day-old, shoot, light, 1000 µmol m-2s-1, 60s
Mg And CO2
5-week-old, root, Mg and CO2, 10 mM MgSO4 and 350 ± 50 µL/L CO2, 7d
5-week-old, shoot, Mg and CO2, 10 mM MgSO4 and 350 ± 50 µL/L CO2, 7d
5-week-old, root, Mg and CO2, 0.001 mM MgSO4 and 350 ± 50 µL/L CO2, 7d
5-week-old, shoot, Mg and CO2, 0.001 mM MgSO4 and 350 ± 50 µL/L CO2, 7d
5-week-old, root, Mg and CO2, 1 mM MgSO4 and 800 ± 50 µL/L CO2, 7d
5-week-old, shoot, Mg and CO2, 1 mM MgSO4 and 800 ± 50 µL/L CO2, 7d
5-week-old, root, Mg and CO2, 10 mM MgSO4 and 800 ± 50 µL/L CO2, 7d
5-week-old, shoot, Mg and CO2, 10 mM MgSO4 and 800 ± 50 µL/L CO2, 7d
5-week-old, root, Mg and CO2, 0.001 mM MgSO4 and 800 ± 50 µL/L CO2, 7d
5-week-old, shoot, Mg and CO2, 0.001 mM MgSO4 and 800 ± 50 µL/L CO2, 7d
Phosphate Deficient
0-day-old, root, phosphate deficient, 0.05 mM KH2PO4, 10d
0-day-old, root, phosphate deficient, 0.05 mM KH2PO4, 16d
0-day-old, root, phosphate deficient, 0.05 mM KH2PO4, 24d
10-day-old, seedling, estrogen, 0.005 mM estrogen, 60m
10-day-old, seedling, estrogen, 0.005 mM estrogen, 120m
12-day-old, the first-pair rosette leaves, wounding, detaching leaf, 2d
Pi Starvation
10-day-old, shoot, Pi starvation, 0.01 mM KH2PO4, 1d
10-day-old, shoot, Pi starvation, 0.01 mM KH2PO4, 3d
10-day-old, root, Pi starvation, 0.01 mM KH2PO4, 1d
10-day-old, root, Pi starvation, 0.01 mM KH2PO4, 3d
0-day-old, root, Pi starvation, 0.65 mM K2SO4, 10d
0-day-old, shoot, Pi starvation, 0.65 mM K2SO4, 10d
9-day-old, seedling, submergence, dark plus submergence treatment, 3h
High To Moderate Temperature
3.5 week-old, leaves, high to moderate temperature, 28°C to 19°C, 4h
3.5 week-old, leaves, high to moderate temperature, 28°C to 19°C, 8h
Biotic Stress
12-day-old, seedling, Streptomyces, AGN23 culture supernatant, 1h
12-day-old, seedling, Streptomyces, AGN23 culture supernatant, 6h
12-day-old, seedling, Streptomyces, AGN23 culture supernatant, 24h
Cabbage Leaf Curl Virus
7-leaf stage, leaves, cabbage leaf curl virus, CaLCuV, 10d
7-leaf stage, leaves, cabbage leaf curl virus, CaLCuV, 20d
Colletotrichum Tofieldiae
0-day-old, root, Colletotrichum tofieldiae, 50000 spores/ml Ct, 6d
0-day-old, root, Colletotrichum tofieldiae, 50000 spores/ml Ct, 10d
0-day-old, root, Colletotrichum tofieldiae, 50000 spores/ml Ct, 16d
0-day-old, root, Colletotrichum tofieldiae, 50000 spores/ml Ct, 24d
Pseudomonas syringae
treated leaves, Pseudomonas syringae, 10e+7 cfu/mL PstAvrB, 12h
2-week-old, seedling, ABA, 100 µm ABA, 12h
3-week-old, leaves, ABA, 10 µM ABA, 6h
3-week-old, leaves, ABA, 10 µM ABA, 1d
3-week-old, leaves, ABA, 10 µM ABA, 3d
9-day-old, seedling, ABA, 100 µM, 1d
12-day-old, whole parts, ABA, 0.05 mM ABA, 6h
7-day-old, root, ABA, 0.1 mM ABA, 3h
6-day-old, root, Ethylene, 10 ppm, 4h
0-day-old, root, JA, 0.01 mM MeJA, 7d
0-day-old, root, cytokinin, 50 nM BAP, 7d
JA And Cytokinin
0-day-old, root, JA and cytokinin, 0.01 mM MeJA and 50 nM BAP, 7d
Copyright @ Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences, College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan Taiwan.
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Wen-Chi Chang