Tanscript informations

ITAG Tomato ID Solyc01g005810.2.1 [Go To ITAG tomato]
Mak16 protein (Q2HUC0_MEDTR)
chromosome/scaffold chr01
GPL4741 Probe ID LesAffx.20959.1.S1_at
Solyc01g005810.2.1909   n.t.(cDNA)
302   a.a.(protein)
Pfam Accession Type Description
[Go To pfam]
FamilyRibosomal L28e protein family
[Go To pfam]
FamilyMak16 protein C-terminal region

     Gene Ontology:

GO category GO ID GO term
Biological process
GO:0000470 [Go To GO] maturation of LSU-rRNA
GO:0000460 [Go To GO] maturation of 5.8S rRNA
Cellular component
GO:0005634 [Go To GO] nucleus
GO:0005730 [Go To GO] nucleolus
GO:0030687 [Go To GO] preribosome, large subunit precursor
GO:0005730 [Go To GO] nucleolus

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