Tanscript informations

ITAG Tomato ID Solyc01g005510.2.1 [Go To ITAG tomato]
Laccase-2 (LAC2_ORYSJ)
chromosome/scaffold chr01
GPL4741 Probe ID Les.2444.1.A1_at
Solyc01g005510.2.11674   n.t.(cDNA)
557   a.a.(protein)
Pfam Accession Type Description
[Go To pfam]
DomainMulticopper oxidase
[Go To pfam]
DomainMulticopper oxidase
[Go To pfam]
DomainMulticopper oxidase
KEGG ortholog ID Name Definition Annotated transcript
[Go To KEGG]
E1.10.3.3 L-ascorbate oxidase [EC:] 101251411

     Mapping your query gene to KEGG pathways:

ID Description
map00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism GO TO Pathway
map01100 Metabolic pathways GO TO Pathway

     Gene Ontology:

GO category GO ID GO term
Biological process
GO:0055114 [Go To GO] oxidation-reduction process
Molecular function
GO:0016722 [Go To GO] oxidoreductase activity, oxidizing metal ions
GO:0005507 [Go To GO] copper ion binding
GO:0016491 [Go To GO] oxidoreductase activity
Cellular component
GO:0009506 [Go To GO] plasmodesma
GO:0009505 [Go To GO] plant-type cell wall

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