Tanscript informations

Soybase ID Glyma0005s50.1 [Go To Soybase]
JGI phytozome ID Glyma.05G019000.2 [Go To JGI phytozome]
Squamosa promoter-binding protein-like (SBP domain) transcription factor family protein
chromosome/scaffold Chr05
Glyma0005s50.12803   n.t.(cDNA)
550   a.a.(protein)
Pfam Accession Type Description
[Go To pfam]
DomainSBP domain

     Gene Ontology:

GO category GO ID GO term
Molecular function
GO:0003677 [Go To GO] DNA binding
GO:0046872 [Go To GO] metal ion binding
Cellular component
GO:0005634 [Go To GO] nucleus

Contact us:Wen-Chi Chang          E-mail:sarah321@mail.ncku.edu.tw